Corporate Partnership

How your organization can give back

We’ll help you develop a customized plan based on the funds, expertise or products you wish to contribute, and your organization’s strategic giving objectives. Here are a few examples of how your organization can get involved:

  • Contribute on a national level to help create better communities across Zambia.
  • Contribute to local communities of interest through funding, gift-in-kind or donations.
  • Sponsor a Habitat home, help build the home, and hand the keys to the new Habitat homeowner.
  • Engage your employees on a build site to boost morale and increase employee retention.
  • Develop effective cause marketing campaigns with a portion of sales going directly to Habitat for Humanity Zambia.
  • Create employee fundraising programs, payroll deduction plans or corporate matching plans.
  • Generate invaluable goodwill and elevate your corporate profile.
  • Gain local, national and even global recognition.

Partner with us

Institutions that have worked with us