“Due to the digitization of the Savings Group records, I no longer have to go through the stress of tracking my savings through a book at home which sometimes gets misplaced or lost,” said Elizabeth Mwape.
Elizabeth is 48, married with four children. She joined Twafwane Savings Group in 2020 when it was formed. She heard about the Habitat for Humanity Zambia-supported Savings Groups from Community Change Agents working with Habitat for Humanity Zambia who were sensitizing the community on the value of Savings Groups.
Elizabeth shares how her business and family have benefited from the Savings Group. “Before joining the Savings Group, I used to sell tomatoes, charcoal and mealie meal. After the first share out, I added cooking oil, salt and beans to the items I am selling. I only used to buy one box of tomatoes for sale, but now I buy two boxes,” said Elizabeth.
Elizabeth built a shop at her house when she previously used to sell her products on a table. She has additionally enrolled one of her children who used to attend a government school into a private school. She further added that the family could only afford one meal a day before she joined the Savings Group. Currently, they can afford to have three meals a day.
Elizabeth intends to allocate the money from the next share out to renovate her shop by adding shelves to place her products.